Connecting with other home educators: Tips to overcome loneliness and build a supportive community
Just like stepping onto the playground for the first time it can be daunting connecting with other home educators. "Will they like me?"...
Connecting with other home educators: Tips to overcome loneliness and build a supportive community
5 Fun and Science-Infused Baking Experiments for Kids, with 3 Molecular Gastronomy Recipes to Try!
8 Reasons the kitchen is the center for most homeschool households
Plassroom Review
Creating social opportunities as a homeschool family
10 FREE Spring nature activities for kids age 1-100
How I'm doing: 6 month home ed round up
Our daily rhythm (6 months in)
Reading Eggs Review
6 ways to foster a love of reading in your kids
Getting outdoors in winter with kids
Why we chose home education