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Our daily rhythm (6 months in)

I'll start off by letting you know: We don't have any set timings during the day.

  • No wake up or bed times.

  • No set hours for specific topics.

  • No set meal times.

We are very much a "go with the flow" kind of family and this works well for all of us.

Clubs are the only thing set in stone and are as follows

Monday- Ballet 4:15-5

Tuesday- Indoor Home Ed co-op 1-3:30(ish). Every other week.

Wednesday - Virtual phonics lesson on Plassroom 5-5;30

Thursday - Outdoors Home Ed co-op 11-2(ish)

Friday - Gymnastics 5-5:50

Weekends are free from clubs!

*ish, usually it runs over by 30-60 minutes!

So if you're looking for a set routine that you might be able to follow at home, this isn't the blog for you. I won't be sharing any timings other than the clubs above because there's no magic timings that work for everyone.... Sorry!

If you are however looking for a general flow that you could follow then you're in the right place! Hurray! Read on and we'll jump straight into our mornings!

* This is our usual rhythm on days where we don't have a club until late afternoon.


  • We wake up slow most days. No jumping up and out of bed here! We'll often stay in bed after waking up and read a couple of stories before heading downstairs in our pyjamas. Some days the kids want to get dressed before heading downstairs so we don't have to do this later and can just crack on with fun, but most mornings are pyjama mornings!

  • Once we're downstairs the kids get some free time. They'll either choose screens or to go and play in the playroom(or outside in the Spring/Summer months) and I let them do what they want. Why? Because this is the time where I prioritize myself. I make sure that I'M in the right mindset for the day so I can be the best parent I can going forward. I'll make myself a cup of tea whilst I'm doing breakfast and then let myself relax into the day. Once everyone has finished eating I'll clear up, make another cup of tea and start with activities.

  • This is the time I try and strike with some focused learning, either Reading Eggs or Sum Dog if the kids are already using screens or flash cards phonics practice, reading or maths/educational games (Orchard gamesare great for this). I was doing workbooks after breakfast but these are now off the table....

  • Then we'll move into crafts. This is usually colouring, stickers or cutting. (I try to avoid messy crafts like paints until closer to bath time)

  • Before lunch I try to get the kids outside if the weather is fair and there isn't too much work getting them dressed when we'll have to repeat it later! To help them build up and appetite and because this is where I find they do the most self led learning.


  • I try to get the kids involved with at least one meal a day so if they haven't helped make their breakfast then they'll help with lunch. Sometimes it's as simple as a can of soup, other days we'll make sandwiches or a charcuterie board (aka snacky bits).

  • During and after lunch the kids again have free play time.

  • After this we'll either head outside to do some chicken chores (egg collecting) or on a little excursion if I feel like Lauchlan could use a nap. The car ALWAYS puts him to sleep and some days we all just need that toddler free time! We'll either head to the woods or usually to our local town and visit the library, some charity shops and then head for a walk along the stream to get any remaining wiggles out before heading home.

  • Then it's time for messy crafts or baking (baking is encouraged because what's better after a busy day than a yummy treat??)

  • Followed by more relaxed free time.

  • Dinner time comes around and the kids always help. This has become a routine of theirs that they have started themselves. It can be difficult to let them, especially on days we have had long clubs but we remind ourselves that this is building life skills that will one day make our lives easier when they can take over these jobs fully and not something we want to discourage. Dinner is also the time when Calliope has most of her chores, wiping down and setting the table, dishwasher help and putting any toys that have creeped throughout the house back into the playroom.

  • Bath/shower time

  • Stories

  • Bed

And that's our usual, home based day!

Our days vary wildly during different seasons and this is worth noting. We're currently transitioning from our Autumn/Winter routine to our Spring Summer routine. Now that the weather is warmer and the days are longer the kids are wanting to spend more time outdoors during their free time which means we're spending less time on screens and focused learning and more time letting the kids educate themselves. Free play can also be anything from blocks to dress up to puzzles to screen time and this changes daily depending on their mood and mostly, I'll allow them to do what they want and trust their instincts.

As they are both so young we don't have set topics yet either as I don't think it's beneficial to them and Calliope becomes bored easily when things are repetitive.. The only consistent thing we do is Fast Phonics on Reading Eggs, some simple maths exercises and spending time outdoors to blow away everyones cobwebs. I find this acts as a "reset" for everyone and is usually sorely needed by the afternoon.

Our focused learning usually takes less than an hour a day at the moment. Almost all of the learning that takes place right now is through play and I'm a firm believer that this is how it should be!

Was this what you were expecting from our routine? I there are any details you would like to know more about then leave me a comment!

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